YANIS Curriculum Vitae
Activities and meetings organized by YANIS (major events are in bold)
August 22rd: McDougal Grad Activity Fair for New Graduate Students: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/mcdougal-grad-activity-fair-2018
September 21st: Welcome Karaoke Party: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/yanis-welcome-karaoke-party-2018
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/yanis-welcome-karaoke-party-2018
October 13th: Fall Picnic in East Rock: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/yanis-fall-picnic
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/yanis-fall-picnic-2018
November 9th: Durak - Russian Card Game Night: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/durak-game-night
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/durak-card-game-night-2018
December 7th: Yanis Holiday Karaoke: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/news/december-holiday-karaoke
January 14th: Yanis First 2019 Social: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/news/yanis-first-2019-social
March 1st: Spring Holidays (23rd Feb /8th March) Karaoke Night by Yanis: https://www.facebook.com/events/968891360165404/
May 4th: Mayskie Celebration v GPSCY: https://www.facebook.com/events/2664124960280569/
August 23rd: McDougal Grad Activity Fair for New Graduate Students: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/mcdougal-grad-activity-fair-new-gradua…
October 13th: Durak - Russian Card Game Night: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/durak-russian-card-game-night
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/2017-durak-night
November 17th: Second Annual The Brothers Karaoke: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/second-annual-brothers-karaoke
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/2017-second-annual-brothers-karaoke
February 3rd: YANIS Visits the Yale Rep: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/yanis-visits-yale-rep
February 18th: Maslenitsa at Benjamin Franklin College: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/maslenitsa-benjamin-franklin-college
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/maslenitsa-benjamin-franklin-college
March 8th: International Women’s Day: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/2018-international-womens-day-get-tog…
March 31st: 2nd Night of Passover Seder: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/russian-and-eastern-european-passover…
May 12th: Eurovision Watching Party: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/mcdougal-eurovision-song-contest-fina… organized by McDougal
May 18th: Russian Music Night: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/russian-music-night
Photos: https://yanis.sites.yale.edu/gallery/russian-music-night
October 28th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
December 9th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
January 26th: The Brothers Karaoke: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/brothers-karaoke
February 19th: Maslenitsa
May 7th: 2017 YANIS Spring Picnic: http://yanis.sites.yale.edu/event/2017-yanis-spring-picnic
September 24th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
November 26th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
December 6th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
January 14th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
January 25th: Social / Get-Together with Eastern European Society
February 10th: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
February 12th: YANIS trip to NYC to the concert of “Krematoriy” band
February 17th: Social / Hookah Night at Fire and Ice Hookah
March 23rd: Social / Get-Together at Kasbah
March 31st: Social / Get-Together at Fire and Ice Hookah
April 19th: YANIS Karaoke Night at Karaoke Heroes
May 5th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 11th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
November 2nd: Dinner with Alexey Navalny
February 17th: Russian Cuisine Soiree Semi-potluck party
April 16th: Celebration of YANIS 10th anniversary
May 11th: Recreational soccer game
June 5th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 26th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
October 2nd: Social / Movie Night : “Kanikuly strogogo rezhima”
October 11th: Recreational soccer game
October 16th: Social / Movie Night : “Palata No. 6” (“Ward No. 6”)
October 30t: Social / Movie Night : “Lubov v bloshom gorode” (“Love in a Big City”)
October 30th: Intellectual Game Night : Tele - “Chto? Gde? Kogda?” versus YANIS
November 14th: Social / Movie Night : “Taras Bulba”
December 4th: Social / Movie Night : “32 dekabrya” (“December 32nd”)
December 22nd: Pot-Luck New Year’s Party
January 29th: Ice-skating outing at Walker Rink, Blake Field
Feburary 12th: Social / Movie Night : “Na More” (“At the Sea”)
March 4th: Social / Movie Night : “Nasha Russia: Zolotie Yaitsa Chingishana”
May 8th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
May 23rd: Evening of Classical music among Friends
July 3rd: Recreational soccer game
July 12th: Recreational soccer game
July 19th: Recreational soccer game
July 28th: Recreational soccer game
July 31st: Recreational soccer game
September 27th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
Fall semester: YANIS team in grad-pro volleyball intramurals
November 7th: Bowling after a concert
December 7th: Social / Movie Night : “Den’ Vyborov”
Spring semester: YANIS team in grad-pro volleyball intramurals
January 31st: Pushkin’s Masquerade Ball
February 18th: Trip to “Eugene Onegin” in Metropolitan Opera
April 18th: Russian Karaoke Night
May 2nd: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
Jun 19th: Recreational soccer game
July 5th: Recreational soccer game
July 10th: Recreational soccer game
September 29th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) party
October 7th: Recreational soccer game
October 12th: Movie / Game Night
October 28th: Recreational soccer game
November 16th: Yale-Harvard Russian Pre-Game Party
Spring semester: YANIS team in grad-pro volleyball intramurals
February 2nd: Movie Night: “Dvenadsat” (“Twelve”) [by Nikita Mikhalkov]
February 9th: YANIS goes skating
March 2nd: Reception after the concert of Russian music
April 25th: Talent Show
May 3rd: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
July 11th: Recreational soccer game
July 16th: Recreational soccer game
July 18th: Recreational soccer game
July 23rd: Recreational soccer game
July 30th: Recreational soccer game
August 5th: Recreational soccer game
September 16th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 22nd: Movie Night: “Everything is Illuminated”
September 23rd: Recreational soccer game
September 23rd: Recreational soccer game
October 6th: Estonian Movie Night: “Made in Estonia”
October 13th: Bar Night
October 20th: Movie Night: “Slushatel”
November 3rd: Movie Night: “Piter FM”
February 2nd: Movie Night
February 9th: Get-Together / Party
March 2nd: Trip to a night club in NYC
April 29th: Recreational soccer game
May 5th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
June 15th: Recreational soccer game
June 27th: Recreational soccer game
July 10th: Recreational soccer game
September 10th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
October 21st: Movie Night: “Pasport” (“The Passport”) [USSR,1990]
February 10th: Movie Night: “9 rota” (“9th batalion”) [Russia,…]
March 3rd: Movie Night: “Shnek ili mechtat’ ne vredno” [Russia,2005]
April 14th: Movie Night
April 29th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 12th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
October 1st: Movie Night: “Nochnoi Dozor” (“Night Watch”) [Russia,]
October 29th: Screening of a documentary “Pervoe pokolenie ot pervogo litsa” (“First Generation, First Person”)
November 19th: Poetry readings
February 25th: Movie Night: “Kur’er”
May 6th: Movie Night: “Turetskiy gambit” (“Turkish Gambit”) [Russia-Bulgaria,2005]
May 7th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 6th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 12th: Movie night: “Deja Vu” [USSR-Poland,1989]
September 19th: Movie night: “The house that Swift built” [USSR,1982]
October 3rd: Movie night: the best of Soviet Cartoons
October 17th: Movie night: “Sibirskiy ciryulnik” (“Barber of Siberia”) [Russia-France-Italy-Czech Republic,1998]
November 7th: Movie night: “Idi i smotri” (“Come and See”) [USSR,1985]
November 14th: Movie night: “Klyuch ot spalni” (“The key from the bedroom”) [Russia,2003]
November 21st: Movie night: “Brilliantovaya ruka” (“Diamond Arm”) [USSR,1968]
December 3rd: Poetry Reading with Vladimir Gandelsman
December 5th: Movie night
February 13th: Movie night: “Svoi sredi chuzhih, chuzhoi sredi svoih” (“At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger Among His Own”) [USSR,1974]
February 27th: Movie night: “Chuchelo” (“Scarecrow”) [USSR,1983]
May 9th: Traditional semi-annual Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 8th: Welcome Party
September 20th: Movie night: “Deja Vu”[USSR-Poland,1989]
September 27th: Movie night: “Pokrovskie vorota” (“Pokrov Gate”)
October 4th: Movie night: “Sestry” (“Sisters”)[Russia, 2001]
October 18th: Movie night: “Strana gluhih” (“Country of the Deaf”) [Russia,1998]
October 25th
Movie night: “Favority luny” (“Favorites of the Moon”) [France,1984]
November 1st: Movie night: “Formula Lyubvi” (“Formula of Love”) [USSR,1984]
November 15th: Movie night: “Tot samyi Munhgausen” (“That Munchhausen”) [USSR,1979]
November 22nd: Movie night: “Stalker” [USSR-Germany,1979]
December 6th: Movie night: “1001 recept iz menu vlyublennogo povara” (“Chef in Love”) [Germany-Belgium-France-Georgia-Ukraine,1996]
December 13th: Movie night: “Uvidet’ Parizh i umeret’” (“To See Paris and Die”) [USSR,1992]
January 17th: Movie night: “Sluzhebny roman” [USSR,1977]
January 31st: Movie night: “Sobachye serdce” (“Heart of the Dog”) [USSR,1988]
February 7th: Movie night: “Ischite zhenschinu” (“Cherchez la femme”) [USSR,1982]
February 21st: Movie night: “Charodei” (“Magicians”) [USSR,1982]
February 22n: Maslenitsa celebration
February 28th: Movie night
April 13th: Movie night: “Russian Ark”
May 2nd: Movie night: “Tikhie omuty” [Russia,2000]
May 9th: Movie night: “Mimino” [USSR,1978]
May 17th: Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
May 23rd: Movie night: “Piraty 20-go veka” (“Pirates of the 20th century”) [USSR,1976]
September 2nd: Shashlyk (BBQ) Party
September 14th: Movie night
September 21st: Movie night: “Brat” (“Brother”)
October 6th: Movie night: “Window To Paris” by Yuri Mamin
October 12nd: Movie night: “Utomlyonnye solncem” (“Burned by the Sun”)
October 13rd: Social Evening and Potluck Dinner
October 19th: Movie night: “East-West”
October 26th: Movie night: “Dzhentel’meny udachi”
November 1st: Suspenseful Halloween Party
November 2nd: Movie night: “Brat 2” (“Brother 2”)
November 15th: Get-Together at GPSCY
November 30th: Movie night: “Russky bunt” (“Russian Rebellion”, 1999)
December 7th: Movie night: “Dear Elena Sergeevna”
December 14th: Movie night: “Zabytaya Melodiya dlya Fleity” “Forgotten Tune for the Flute”
December 21st: Ultimate Farewell Party of the year of 2001
January 18th: Movie night: “Brilliantovaya ruka” (“Diamond Arm”)
January 25th: Movie night: “Cherez ternii k zvezdam” (“Per aspera ad astra”)
February 1st: Movie night: “Kavkazskaya plennica” (“Prisoner of Caucasus”)
February 15th: Movie night: “Obyknovennoe chudo (“Ordinary Miracle”)
February 17th: Potluck Dinner
March 1st: Movie night: “Vor” (“The Thief”)
March 8th: Movie night: “Moskva slezam ne verit” (“Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”)
March 29th: screening of “Zhestokii romans” (“Cruel Romance”) as a part of Movie Festival
April 5th: Movie night: “Azazel”
April 22nd: “Psychology of Political Mass Killing” by S.G. Levy (lecture and discussion)
April 24th: Remember Armenian Genocide - vigil light
May 3rd: Movie night: “Shirli-Myrli”
May 19th: Shashlyk (BBQ) Farewell Party
May 24th
Movie night:”Ne Valjaj Duraka…”
Aug 2nd, 2001: Approval of YANIS Bylaws at a meeting of the Founders