Bylaws of Young Associates from Newly Independent States at Yale University
Article I- Name and Location
Article II- Purpose
Article III- Membership
Article IV- Executive Board
Section 1- Board Role, Size, Compensation
Section 2- Members of the Executive Board
Section 3- Officers
Section 4- Meetings
Section 5 - Quorum
ArticleV- General Meetings
Article VI- Amendments
The organization shall be known as Young Associates from Newly Independent States (hereinafter referred to as YANIS).
The organization is located at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
Article II- Purpose
The purpose of YANIS shall be to promote and develop the community of Yale students, faculty and staff from the Newly Independent States (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan) by the means of language and cultural accommodations; to promote awareness of above-mentioned countries’ culture and identity among all members of the Yale Community; to assist and facilitate members in their daily activities, job search, organize seminars, workshops and conferences reflecting the interests of the constituent members, to foster networking, communication, and mutual support among the students from the Commonwealth of Independent States and Baltic Republics, to represent, protect, promote and advance the interests of the members of YANIS.
Article III- General Membership
Any Yale student (whether undergraduate, graduate or professional), member of the faculty and staff descended from above mentioned countries, as well as any other Yale associate is eligible for membership or participation in YANIS activities. The membership shall be free.
Article IV- Executive Board
Section 1- Board Role, Size, Compensation
The Board shall be responsible for overall policy and direction of the Association, for day-to-day operations, organizing activities and fundraising.
The Board shall appoint the officers from among its members.
The Board shall consist of no fewer than five members.
The Board members shall receive no compensation.
Section 2- Members of the Executive Board
At the time of founding the Executive Board shall consist of the volunteer members of YANIS. Consecutively, the Executive Board shall be elected annually at the end of the academic year from among the members of YANIS at the General Meeting.
Section 3- Officers
The Board shall appoint the following officers: Secretary, Treasurer, Webmaster, Social Chair and Alumni Relations Chair. The duties of the officers are as follows:
Secretary shall be responsible for liaison with the University administration, obtaining University approval and coordination of YANIS activities with the University, and for maintenance of all official documentation. Secretary shall sign all the official documentation. Secretary shall preside over the Executive Board and General meetings.
Treasurer shall collect and be in charge of all finances, pay all bills approved by the Executive Board, make a report at each meeting, assist in the preparation of the budget and make financial information available to the Board members and the public.
Webmaster shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the YANIS website and moderating the YANIS e-mail list.
The Social Chair shall be responsible for organizing social and cultural activities initiated by YANIS, directing publicity for the organization.
The Alumni Chair shall be responsible for maintaining the ties with the former members of the organization and developing and realizing fundraising plans.
Section 4- Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month. Officers shall make their reports at each meeting. Special meetings shall be called upon a necessity.
Section 5 - Quorum
A quorum must be attended by at least two thirds of the Board members before business can be transacted or motions made or passed. The motions shall be decided upon by a simple majority of the quorum. If the votes on a motion are evenly split the Secretary shall have the decisive vote.
Article V- General Meetings
General Meetings of all the members of YANIS shall be held at least once a year. At the General Meeting Executive Board shall present its Report to the Members of YANIS. The elections of the new Executive Board shall be held at the General Meeting. Any YANIS member can nominate and be nominated for a position on the Executive Board. The newly elected Board shall propose the plan of activities of YANIS for the consecutive year. A quorum must be attended by simple majority of members. All the decisions except the amendments to the bylaws shall be adopted by a simple majority.
In case of necessity Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened by the Executive Board, or by a petition signed by at least one third of the YANIS members.
Article VI- Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended when necessary by a two-thirds majority of the Members at the General Meeting. Proposals for the amendments to the bylaws must be supported with the signatures of at least one third of the members. Proposed amendments must be to be sent out with regular Board announcements.
These Bylaws were approved at a meeting of the Founders on Aug 2nd, 2001.